




      1. A Matter of the Heart: Understanding Cardiac Arrhythmias

         Abstract: Normal heartbeats are initiated by the propagation of a series of regular electrical impulses, generated from the heart’s pacemaker cells. When the propagating electrical wave becomes destabilized, abnormal heartbeats arise and sometimes lead to sudden cardiac arrest, which kills millions of people worldwide each year. Cardiac alternans, a long-short, beat-to-beat variation in the electrical impulses, has been recognized as an initiator for fatal heart rhythm disorders. In the language of nonlinear dynamics, alternans is a period-doubling bifurcation, which can occur through either a classical mechanism or a border-collision mechanism. Identifying the type of bifurcation mechanism mediating cardiac alternans is crucial for detection and control of this instability. This talk will present bifurcation analyses of cardiac alternans, aiming to resolve the debate as to whether cardiac alternans is a classical or a border-collision bifurcation. A novel technique that allows one to unambiguously distinguish between classical and border-collision bifurcations will be introduced and experimental results using this technique will be discussed. The talk will highlight recent findings on the hybrid behavior of alternans and suggest future directions in identifying the physiological mechanisms of alternans and in developing faithful models of alternans.  This presentation may be of interest to those who are interested in computational biology, dynamical systems, and biomedical signal processing.  

       赵晓鹏,现任美国田纳西大学生物医学工程系副教授,数学系兼职副教授。1996年获得清华大学固体力学专业学士,并获得优良毕业生称号。1999年获得清华大学固体力学专业硕士。2004年获得弗吉尼亚理工大学应用力学博士学位,并在该校从事博士后研究工作。2005年加入杜克大学生物医学工程系从事博士后工作,2006年获得该校首个杰出博士后奖(Outstanding Postdoc)。2007年至今任教于田纳西大学,于2013年获得终身职位并提升为副教授。主要研究方向:数学建模,动力分析和控制在生物医学中的应用。2009年获得美国自然科学基金会杰出青年教授奖(NSF CAREER Award)。已在国际期刊杂志和主要国际会议上发表学术论文80多篇。多次担任国际会议程序委员会委员,会议分会主席,以及主题研讨会主席。多次担任美国国家自然科学基金和美国国立卫生研究院项目评审组委员。


    2. Single Cell Systems Biology: from Immune Defense to Cancer Development

        Rong Fan, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Yale University

        Abstract: Recent advances in single-cell genomic, transcriptional and mass cytometric profiling has transformed the basic biomedical research at the systems level. However, the challenges still remain in order to translate the discovery of single cell systems biology to clinical applications. In particular, the measurement of the body’s complex immune response landscape is a critical task common in the development of any drugs including small molecules, biologics, vaccines, and cellular therapeutics. How to collect highly multiplexed measurements of immune effector proteins produced from single cells is important for comprehensive analysis of immune functional states. To date, this is not possible either in clinical tests or even with the most advanced single cell analysis instruments such as mass cytometry. Herein we combine spatial and spectral encoding with ultra-high density antibody microarrays patterned in sub-nanoliter PDMS microchambers for co-detection of 42 immune effector proteins secreted from single cells, representing the highest multiplexing recorded to date for a single-cell secretion assay. Using this platform to profile human macrophages stimulated with pathogenic ligands reveals previously unobserved deep functional heterogeneity and varying levels of pathogenic activation. Surprisingly the subpopulation architecture is highly conserved throughout the cell activation process and collectively controls the homeostasis of macrophage-mediated innate immune response. A subpopulation that displays multiple effector functions acts as the “super warriors” in the fight against pathogens. This technology was also applied to the analysis of hematopoietic malignancy. We found a significant increase of the multifunctional cell subpopulation in myeloproliferative disease. Interestingly, both cancerous and “normal” hematopoietic cells in the disease compartment displayed skewed cytokine programs contributing to cancer pathogenesis and therapeutic response. All these results underscore the complexity and multifunctionality of phenotypically similar cell repertoire in protective immune defense or pathological condition (cancer), which has not been precisely delineated due to the lack of single cell, high-plex cytokine function analysis tools. Our technology enables full-spectrum dissection of the immune functional states at the single-cell level and represents a highly informative tool for clinical immune monitoring. 

       Biosketch:Rong Fan is Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering. He received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley in 2006 where his research was focused on nanomaterials for energy conversion and ion transport in nanofluidic systems. After completing his doctorate he joined the NanoSystems Biology Cancer Center at Caltech as a postdoctoral associate working in Prof. James Heath's group where he began to explore the opportunities of applying microsystems to precision cancer research. In 2010, he started his own laboratory in Department of Biomedical Engineering at Yale University. His recent work has been focused on the development of an array of single-cell analysis technologies and then the utilization of systems biology principles to investigate cellular heterogeneity in human cancers and the immune system. He is the recipient of numerous awards including the Howard Temin Pathway to Independence award (K99/R00) from National Cancer Institute, the NSF Early Stage Faculty Career Development (CAREER) Award and the Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering.  


